Creation of Sustainable Learning Spaces for Pre-Service and In-Service Mathematics Teachers for Using ICT Software in Teaching Mathematics


Makakatela Simon Mosia

School of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology Education, University of the Free State, South Africa


The integration of information communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning has transformed the landscape of education. However, the challenge is that both in-service and pre-service teachers seem to be inadequately prepared to ICT in their teaching. Part of the problem is that few in-service teachers have undergone teacher education programmes that prepared them for the integration of ICT in the teaching of their specific subjects. As for pre-service teachers, despite their knowledge of general ICT in teaching, what remains a problem for them is that they lack knowledge of subject-specific ICT tools. Thus, in an attempt to respond to these challenge professional learning communities (PLC) were established at two research sites; the PLC at each site comprised of eight in-service and five pre-service mathematics teachers. The iterative spiral science of participatory action research were used in the PLCs as an approach to analysing the challenges experienced by in-service and pre-service teachers to enhance their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for teaching mathematics using ICT software. This was done with a view to establishing possible solutions and strategies that can be developed, adopted and adapted to effectively address the challenges facing teachers. The aim of the solutions and strategies that were sought was to enhance the processes and practices of teaching and learning using ICT software during and beyond the duration of this research project. As a result, the conditions under which the strategies and solutions were developed needed to be thoroughly understood, because these conditions may pose threats and be embedded with inherent risks that could impede the successful implementation of the solutions. It is for that reason that the strategies and solutions were operationalised, assessed and evaluated prior to them being considered as sufficiently conclusive to serve as the successful response to and to be used in creating sustainable learning spaces for pre-service and in-service teachers.

Keywords: sustainable learning spaces, participatory action research, Information Communications Technology software, Mathematics


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9