1Thiago Jose Barbosa Dantas; 2Flávio de São Pedro Filho; 3Valeria Arenhardt; 4Ademar Roque Lorenzon; 5Marcelo José Peres Gomes da Silva, 6 Norma Maria Coelho Vieira
1Is Undergraduate Management Student, Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil.
2Post-Doctoral researcher in Management and Economics at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Doctor of Business Management from the Universidad Autónoma de Asunción, Paraguay. Doctor of Administration from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Coordinator of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC), Brazil. E-mail:
3Doctoral researcher in Environmental Technology at the University of Ribeirão Preto. Contributor of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology Management (GEITEC), Brazil.  E-mail:
4Lawyer and entrepreneur in the city of Pimenta Bueno, State of Rondônia, Brazil. Contributor of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC), Brazil. E-mail:
5Specialist in Computer Networks and Data Communications at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Contributor of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC), Brazil. E-mail:
6Master's Degree Student in Environmental Sciences from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU). Contributor of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC), Brazil. E-mail:


The Hospitals of the city of Porto Velho require improvements in their physical structures, as well as the improvement of services given to the population. This is about a innovation using the Kaizen method in the Diagnostics image sector unit of a hospital located in the city of Porto Velho, Capital of Rondônia State, in Brazil. It is based on the Contingency Theory, dealing with environmental issues that impact the development of the activities studied, meeting the concepts of PDCA Cycle and innovation as it has been treated in Nascimento et al (2011) and Pizzani et al (2012). The general objective is the study of the forms to apply the Kaizen method in the Diagnostic image sector of a hospital; treating specific objective the examinations of procedures of study (1) To compare the results between the periods before and after the implementation of the Kaizen method (2) and indicate measures for innovation in the continuous improvement process of studied sector (3). The preparation followed by the Case Study Method, supported in literature review; as procedures were carried out in situ visits, interviews, observation data collection and selection of data, and other required by the method. As a result today the industry develops the evaluation and check the procedures adopted, thereby seeking to improve continuously. This study is of interest of those who carried out the research and those involved because it results in excellent production of quality tests.

Keywords: Administration, Management, Kaizen, Innovation, Quality.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9