Muzaffar Syah Mallow
Dr., Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Syariah & Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia

The issue concerning school bullying cannot simply be ignore any longer as the negative impacts it could generate to everybody especially to the victim in particular, the school as well as to the country education reputation in the long term. Similar attention should also be given to the bullier. If no action is taken at early stage, the bullier will eventually maintain such behavior into adulthood and continue to become active bullier in the society. There also study which indicate that such unstoppable behavior will also expose the bullier to get involve with other kinds of criminal activities. Taking into account all the possible negative impacts from the act of bullying in school, the issue has been taken seriously by many factions in the country which includes the government, the non - government organization (NGO), academician, and social activists in the recent years. According to the statistic released by the country Ministry of Education, in 2015 alone there have been 3,011 cases being reported for school bullying in the country. Due to this staggering statistic number, the Ministry of Education along with other entities in the country has started to meet and discuss on the possible solution to the problem. Among the latest proposal that being put forward to deal with the problem is to suspend student who involve in act of bullying in school for certain period of time. The latest suggestion so far has been welcome by all as this will send strong signal to bullier over the government serious effort to combat with the ongoing problem. Being said so, the latest proposal needs to be further discuss and examine as it involve the future of the bullier themselves which after all is also a minor themselves. Though assurance has been given by the relevant ministry that the suspension period come with other activities and programs which would benefits the bullier themselves, more efforts need to be taken to combat with the issue as the ministry themselves admit the issue has become serious in our country. If no concrete action being taken now, it would harm not only the victim’s physically and psychologically but it will also affect the reputation of the country education system and the employment prospect in long term. As such, it is the object of the paper to examine further the issue concerning school bullying in general, types of bullying which can take place within school, the impacts which it would generate to the victim as well as to the bullier themselves, and find any possible solutions to the deal with the current problem without jeopardizing the future of all parties involved in such crime.

: School, Bullying, Causes, Effects & Solutions


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6