Galina L. Sokolova1, Anna. L. Kolyago2*, Alla A. Fokina3, Andrey V. Rychkov4
Natalia V. Bogdanova5, Irina V. Trubyanova6 & Elena L. Yandakova7
1 Assoc. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
2 Assoc. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
3 Senior Lecturer, Mari State University, Russia,
4 Assoc. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
5 Senior Lecturer, Mari State University, Russia,
6 Assoc. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
7 Assoc. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding author

The article deals with the ways and means of expression of purpose in the Mari and German languages belonging to different linguistic families. The Mari language belongs to the Altaic family of languages, and the German language belongs to the Indo-European family. In the process of teaching and learning any foreign language it is important to be able to find the similarities and differences of grammatical structures, and it defines the relevance of research. The goal of work is to analyze the ways and means of expression of purpose in the languages belonging to different linguistic families. To achieve this goal one must reveal the essence of clause of purpose in the analyzed languages, distinction from other types of subordinate clauses, their functioning in speech and existing in languages alternative means of expression of purpose. By considering ways and means of expression of purpose in the study the method of synchronous description of collected material with the use of distributional analysis and diachronic elements of diachronic method is used, comparative method allows to establish similarities and differences in the analyzed languages. The main way of expressing of purpose in the analyzed language is a compound sentence with clause of purpose. In Mari and in German clauses of purpose have a similar meaning and method of formation. Despite this, the languages have their own characteristics and differences in clause of purpose. In addition, for the purpose of expression of purpose languages use their own, related to the structure of the language means. Analysis of theoretical and factual material allows us to conclude that, in Mari and German the main way of expression of purpose is a compound sentence with clause of purpose. Also in modern Mari a compound sentence can be easily replaced by a different phrases and combinations. In the German language the infinitive turn is widely used to express purpose. The infinitive turn in the language competes in the language on equal terms with clause of purpose. 

Keywords: Mari language, German language, purpose, languages with different systems, complex sentence, clause of purpose, similarities, differences


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6