Irina N. Andreeva1*, Ksenia Yu. Badina2, Olga A. Petuhova3
1*Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of Mari State University, Russia, e-mail:
2Candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of Mari State University, Russia,  e-mail:
3Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding author

The article examines the influence of folktales on the speech development of preschool children. The paper shows the results of diagnostic work aimed at defining the level of speech progress of children of the youngest preschool age.

The article examines the influence of folk tales on the development of the following children’s skills: the ability to coherent; to retell short literary works logically and expressively; to enrich the vocabulary; the ability to perceive, to understand and emotionally respond to the tale; to advance understanding of the surrounding world; to encourage the interest and love  to Russian folklore. The tale is analyzed regarding socialization  acquainting new generations with universal and ethnical experience, that is the compensatory function, when the tale as a piece of art, helps an individual to broaden individual life experience.

The paper covers theoretical researches of scientists working in the field of pedagogy on the role of folktales in the development of speech practice of preschool children. (I.V. Vachkov, L.N. Evtuhova, M.V. Pronina, L.B. Fesukova, E.A. Flerina, etc).  The article presents the results marked at the ascertained stage of experiment with children of the youngest preschool age as a result of using  the following methods: empirical – experiment, conversation, diagnostic methodology: 1) methodology “Question-answer”; 2) methodology “Guess the tale”; 3) methodology “Who is crying?” of  E.M. Kosina and statistical methods.  The article examines the subsequent types of work using folktales that is aimed at increasing the efficiency of speech development of children of the youngest preschool age. Materials and results of the research may be useful for teachers of kindergartens, students of pedagogical colleges, parents and those who are interested in problems of speech development of preschool children. 

Keywords: tale, speech development, children of the youngest preschool age, problems of speech development of preschool children


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6