Tatiana N. Mikheeva1*, Denis S. Mikheev2
1*Prof. Dr., Mari State University, The Russian Federation, tnmiheeva @marsu.ru
2Prof. Dr., Mari State University, The Russian Federation, Mikheev_ds@mail.ru
*Corresponding author

In modern democratic states public control is a necessary tool in the relationship between power and civil society. In many countries it has not received legal regulation yet, but in Russia the Federal Law "On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation" has been in effect for about three years [Federal Law, 2014], a certain experience of its practical application has been accumulated. Today legal gaps, the need to change existing norms have already become apparent in it, questions connected with these were repeatedly raised by both scientists and practitioners. The purpose of the study is to analyze the bill aimed at improving the legal basis for public control. One of the tasks is to evaluate the proposed changes from the standpoint of their adequacy to the challenges of time. Therefore the proposed legislative novels are analyzed in the part of the expansion of subjects’ list of public control, which are clearly not enough in the current law. The legal norms relating to the objects of the public control and the concept of the public control are also analyzed. Another task of the study was the development of author's proposals for the improvement of the legal act, which needs should to be included in the bill. In the study a complex of the various methods of investigation was applied. Among them, general scientific and special legal methods: analysis, synthesis, formal legal and system-structural methods were used. These methods allowed us to achieve our goal and to solve the research problems. The conclusions of the work do not have only scientific character, but they also have interest for the practice of public control, for improving the interaction of government bodies with public institutions, and citizens.

Keywords: public control, civil society, public interests, subjects of the public control


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6