Jeoval Batista da Silva1, Flávio de São Pedro Filho2*, Ana Carla Pinheiro Freitas3, Delson Fernando Barcellos Xavier4, and Tiyao Sui-Qui5
1Ph.D Student in Constitutional Law at the University of Fortaleza in DINTER by the University Center of Higher Education of Amazonas (CIESA); Member of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC), and Center for Legal Studies o the Amazon at the Federal University of Rondônia (CEJAM), Brazil. E-mail: jeovalbs@gmail.com
2 Ph.D., Professor and Researcher of the Graduate Program in Administration of the Federal University of Rondônia. Coordinator of the Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology (GEITEC) at the Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil. E-mail: flavio1954@gmail.com
3 Ph.D., Professor of the INIFOR Doctorate Course, Fortaleza, Brazil. E-mail: cpinheirofreitas@yahoo.com.br
4 Ph.D., Professor and Researcher of the Professional Master's Program in Human Rights and Justice Development (UNIR/EMERON) at the Federal University of Rondônia, Leader of the Center for Legal Studies of the Amazon (CEJAM/UNIR). E-mail: delsonx@globo.com
5Ph.D Student in Urban Studies at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), Canada.  E-mail: tiyaosui@gmail.com
*Corresponding author


Sustainability has turned out to be a complex issue in the scope of Legal Sciences, in proportion as it directly impacts relationships in society, demanding constitutional interpretation from the perspective of subsidizing social conflicts. This imposes direct implications for these relations, such as the issues inherent in city planning. The aim of the present proposal is to promote the hermeneutic discussion of sustainability from the perspective of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, focused on the development of cities. The general objective is to hermeneutically interpret sustainability in the context of the Brazilian Constitution  as a contribution to city planning; the specific objectives are (1) to address various forms of interpretation of the Federal Constitution; (2) indicate sustainability-orientating mechanisms for city planning in the Federal Constitution; and (3) to hermeneutically interpret sustainability for city planning according to the Federal Constitution. The task is based on Luhmann's Systems Theory, centered on the convergent social demands, considering that the order is to create a state of social tension exposed to normative demands; and also to keep the subsidiary support of the Constitution Theory discussed in Ommati (2016), in order to confirm an orderly and sustainable configuration of cities. We adopt the Content Analysis Method and the procedures required in the preparation of this task. As a result, a hermeneutic interpretation of sustainability for city planning is reached, using constitutional elements. This task contributes to academic knowledge and furthers the cause of the hermeneutics of sustainability in support of city planning.

: Management. Hermeneutics. Sustainability. Theory of the Constitution. Theory of Systems.



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6