Abiodun Fasakin1 Olusola Oyero2*, Nelson Okorie3, Lanre Amodu4

1Mr, Covenant University, NIGERIA,

2Ass. Professor, Dr., Covenant University, NIGERIA,

3Dr, Covenant University, NIGERIA,

4Dr, Covenant University, NIGERIA,

*Corresponding author




The mass media have always been huge blessings to any society they are found. They are agents of socialisation and education as well as development. The important roles of the media earned them the title of the ‘Fourth Estate of the realm’ which implies that after the three arms of government; executive, legislature and the judiciary, the media are the next. The media socialise the people, get them informed of happenings around them, analyse issues of national importance to them and help them to take right decisions and at the same time, help to transmit the norms of values of the society from one generation to another. Mass media is the vehicle through which government developmental messages and ideas get to the people and on the other hand, the people use it to express their feelings, motives, dissatisfactions and needs to the governments or representing bodies. It is used by the government or people to set agenda on important issues relating to the public for either the government to be aware and take actions or for the people to know and be informed. The mass media surveys the environment for news, interprets issues to the people, provide entertainment and also help the propagation of the societal cultural norms and values. The media not only transmit cultural values and norms from one generation to another, they help to enforce such values and norms through the mental pictures they establish in our minds. This study however seeks to find out how the media can be use to propagate developmental course, be more effective in playing the watchdog role as well as serving as agents of cultural transmission. This study also will reveal ways on how the media can keep to it social responsibility functions by putting honesty, truthfulness, fairness and balance up above any personal interest and also adhere to the ethics of the profession in their performance. The media should establish high trust level with the people for smooth interactions and collaborations for effective outputs.

Keywords: Watchdog, Cultural transmission, Social responsibility



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6