Anna-Maria Schwark1, Anja Hülse2
1 Master of Education, Student Employee FDQI-HU, GERMANY, schwaram@hu-berlin.de
2 Student, Student Emloyee FDQI-HU, GERMANY, huelseax@hu-berlin.de


Inclusive education is a central aim of the UNESCO. It means that all students should be able to participate in all lessons of their neighbourhood schools as equal members of the school community. To realise an inclusive school system in which every student is individually supported with regard to his or her special needs, the Humboldt University (HU) started to improve the teacher training in the field of diversity and inclusion by founding the FDQI-HU-network. The abbreviation “FDQI-HU” stands for “Fachdidaktische Qualifizierung Inklusion angehender Lehrkräfte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin“, which means “Didactic Qualification Inclusion of Prospective Teachers at the Humboldt-University Berlin”.

This project is part of the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung", a joint initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder, which aims to improve the quality of teacher training. Furthermore the project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

FDQI-HU aims at networking and developing the given didactic competences in the university’s field, such as rehabilitation studies, general and special didactics, gender studies and language education. FDQI focuses especially on improving subject related approaches towards inclusion.

The project develops seminars for teacher education at the HU, which are constructed to sensitize prospective teachers to diversity and inclusion in classrooms. For now, FDQI-HU focusses on the following subjects: English, Latin, Vocational Education, General Studies (only for Elementary Schools), History and Computer Science. These subjects cooperate with rehabilitation studies as well as language education to generate a holistic diversity-awareness for the students. The seminars are constructed to increase adaptive teaching skills capabilities and self-efficacy whilst teaching groups of heterogenic students. In order to evaluate the seminars’ efficiency, the project has developed new instruments to measure their achievement. In order for the HU to construct appropriate seminars, the project is designing a universal didactic model for inclusive learning that is to be individualized by the respective subjects.

The model is based on the head principles of participation, cooperation, communication and reflection. Together they are called process features and are meant to secure a quality standard for teaching in heterogeneous groups. These are linked with multiple structural elements to particular situations of planning and conducting lessons in inclusive classes, such as formative assessment (including diagnosis of individual learning capacities and outcome evaluation), methods and media as well as goals and contents.

The model reflects societal, organisational and subject related conditions and generates questions which allow teachers to analyse the design process from an inclusive point of view.

For further information, please visit.

Keywords: inclusion, teacher training, diversity, didactic capabilities, didactic model for inclusive education


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6