Alif Auza Isnanda
S. Sos (Bachelor of Social and Political Sciences), Master Student at The University of Sydney, Australia,
*Sponsored by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), Ministry of Finance – Republic of Indonesia

Nowadays, gender equality has become a major discussion all over the world. Feminism fights for women’s rights, such as equal treatment to men as well as in leadership roles. Women in leadership is still a sensitive issue in most Muslim majority countries. Some people tend to use ‘religious reason’ to block women in leadership roles and maintaining the status quo (Rohman, 2013). In Indonesia, there are some cultural and structural barriers faced by women in leadership roles. As we know that most of Indonesian are Muslim and most of them still believe that women should not be leaders (Rohman, 2013). Different perspectives in interpreting the holy verses sometimes lead to atrocious problems, mostly for women, hence women seem to be discredited and did not get the same privileges as men (Anggahegari and Lantu, 2014). Furthermore, the stereotypes about women’s abilities tend to limit them in getting leadership roles in society, and stereotypes about how women should behave inhibit them from getting advanced careers in the workplace by discouraging assertive and ambitious behaviour (Rudman and Glick, 2001). However, a study that has been conducted by Anggahegari Prameshwara and Donald C. Lantu (2014) found that Indonesia, as a Muslim majority country, showed positive progress in enhancing women’s role in leadership compared to their Middle Eastern counterparts. Therefore, this paper will analyse the Indonesian approaches in providing space for women’s role in leadership particularly in the era of Jokowi's presidency. this essay will analyse the Jokowi's gender inclusivity policy towards his ministerial cabinet and its impact for the changes of social views in women and leadership. that aim is to share knowledge about Indonesia's progress in giving space for women in political leadership.

Keywords: Women, Politics, Leadership, Gender, Indonesia, Muslim Country


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6