Vibusha K. Madanayake
Ms. Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka, Ministry of Defense, Sri Lanka;


The 21st century Globalization in International Affairs have created an integration which appears unpreventable. This global integration had an impact on South Asia. This paper examines the significance of the United States Defense Strategy of combating terrorism and its policy of Development. It intends to rethink of the United States Defense Strategy towards South Asia after September 2001 terrorist attack; whether it is to combat terrorism as stipulated in US national documents or whether it has other intentions. It was hypothesized that, the policy of the US comprised of diverse objectives and emotions, although the declared policy was the prevention of terrorism. US National Interest dominated over the prevention of terrorism. Preventing terrorism needed sustained development of the region to make development continuous. The ideological, educational, social and cultural areas had to change. Continuing as a super-power was basic to US foreign policy. Accommodating national development in South Asia was also a global responsibility of the US. Applying the prevailing theories and policies on international relations could not promote sustainability. US argued that military aid should be given to South Asians along with ideology, scientific knowledge and modern technology. The US uses its superiority in power to promote political equality, social opportunity, economic liberty, modern technology and human rights. The latter part of this research presents the relevant interventions and defense actions that followed the US policy declarations. The intentions of long term objectives are implicit in the chain of defense activities that followed to date. The incidence of the September 2001 terrorist attack was only a door that opened up for the US to make an international move at intervention in another country. Most international critics are of opinion that, the intervention in Afghanistan was not intended only for combating terrorism. Rather, it was a strategic operation by the USA to expand their power in South Asia. Although, there were contradictions within policies, the US granted considerable support to prevent terrorist activities. The world has clearly observed how the US deployed their military projects on “War on Terror”. Whenever the US felt that their interests were at risk, US policies has become more aggressive. The world of politics and international relations is growing towards multi-polarity. Therefore, the US and other powers are struggling for power while trying to preserve their own hegemonies. These hegemonic powers had their declared and undeclared intentions. Applying currently accepted theories did not explain these complex motives. This research has traced the historical path through which strategic changes were effected, through the National Security Strategy document. It was a huge project dealing with India on one side and Pakistan, a polity with more differences than similarities with India. In addition, South Asia with almost 85% under poverty line, created for US a variety of problems that militaristic methods alone could give an answer to. Political Equality, Social Opportunity, Economic Liberty, Acceptance of Human Rights for Self-advancement and Self-actualization were a part of the undeclared ideological change expected by the US in its broader deep laid ideology. In this regard, the significance of this research is to understand how a peaceful atmosphere could be created in South Asia where global development automatically follows. Structural adjustments are imperative for liberal capitalism and representative policing to grow. The findings of this research, has opened up a relevant and timely topic to inquire into. Specifically this research encourages Sri Lanka to understand and rethink on its foreign policy as a country in a post war period.

: Globalization, Foreign Policy, Defense, National Interest



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2017- 4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 10-12 July 2017- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6